Hot Honey


This rich and velvety bouquet combines shades of crimson and dusty pink. A satisfying combination of sweetness with a little heat. Guaranteed to captivate their heart!

Please note we are unable to accommodate special modifications to bouquets due to the high volume of the holiday.  In the case we are unable to replicate the bouquet above we will design your bouquet as closely to the photo as possible. 

Orders for delivery on Valentine's Day (February 14th) must be received by February 13th @3pm.
Orders for pickup on Valentine's Day (February 14th) must be received by February 13th @4pm. 
Orders for delivery to: Etobicoke, Missisauga, North York, East York, or Scarborough must be placed one day in advance by 3pm.

After this time, please call us directly so we can find the best solution for you.

*Photo shows $75 hand tied bouquet 
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