Flower Power: 3 Reasons We Love Flowers!
We here at Poppies understand the importance of flowers and the power they hold, but did you know that there is more to a bouquet than meets the eye? Here are THREE reasons why we love to give flowers:
Create Connections!

These days, a lot of our interactions with people are digital, through computer or phone screens. Sending someone a bouquet of flowers is a great way to go beyond the screen and share something physical with a person you can't be with in person. Even a simple act like sharing a bloom with a neighbor brings people together and builds community connections!
Reduce Stress!

Studies have shown that having potted plants in the home or workplace has a positive impact on stress levels and productivity, but what about cut flowers? Having fresh flowers around means that you get not only the stress-reducing greenery, but also additional mood-boosting colour! Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that when people had fresh flowers in their home, they had less anxiety and depression, and felt more compassionate towards others. They also found that people who looked at flowers first thing in the morning reported feeling happier and more energetic.
Spread Joy!

Since flowers have all of these positive effects, why not share them with your loved ones? A Rutgers University study that measured the reactions of people being given flowers showed that everyone had a positive reaction, and 80% of these people reported that this positive mood lasted for days after. Not only were the recipients happier, but 88% of people who GAVE flowers also reported positive feelings. A win-win!