3 Reasons to Love the Calamondin Plant
A customer AND staff favourite here at Poppies, the Calamondin is a little citrus tree with a LOT to love. Here are THREE reasons why we LOVE the Calamondin plant!
It's Fragrant!
Given the right conditions (lots of bright, direct light!), Calamondin will bloom year-round, and almost always have fruit growing on them. They have tiny white, star-shaped flowers that give off a sweet, citrusy fragrance that will fill your home with a fresh, all-natural floral scent! The fruits also give off a citrus scent, though less strong than the blooms, and since they are slow to ripen, will last on your tree for several months, giving your plant both decorative appeal and a nice subtle freshness.
It's full of VITAMIN C!
Not only are the Calamondin fruit decorative, they’re also edible and PACKED with vitamin C! This little fruit can help to strengthen your immune system, prevent iron deficiency, lower blood pressure, lower your risk of heart disease and much more. Popular in Filipino cuisine, this tiny tart citrus fruit can be used to make marmalade, juice and desserts, and is commonly used to add sour flavour to cocktails or to marinate meats. They can also be eaten as-is for a healthy tangy treat!
It will bring warmth to your life!
While we may not be able to travel to warm locations, we can still find little ways to bring warmth to our lives through the long, cold Canadian winter. With its bright orange fruits, fragrant white flowers and shiny green foliage, having this plant around is like having your own little orange grove in your home! Keep it inside in the winter as a perfect reminder of summer and sunshine, and when spring arrives, it makes a great balcony plant that will love to be out in the sun.